Primary Transition

Welcome to The Elmgreen School.  As Raising Standards Leader for Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), it is my responsibility to ensure the smooth transition of your child from primary to secondary school.  

As a parent myself, I fully appreciate that this transition process can be both very exciting, but also, somewhat daunting too. To support families we hold Tea, Toast and Tours, a transition evening, follow up days and summer school. We continue to keep families informed and updated of the latest Government advice in terms of holding these events. 

To help support your child and family we have put together a virtual programme which we hope will go some way in bringing Elmgreen to you.

Mrs Alison Moran

(Assistant Headteacher and Raising Standards Leader for Key Stage 3)

Who to contact -  If you have a query or question regarding your child's transition from primary to secondary school, please in the first instance contact Ms Jacqui Haynes, Admissions Officer at   

Ms Haynes will be able to assist you or direct you to one of the Transition team.